Tuesday 9 February 2010

Do You Taste The Happiness?

Hello to my handful of fans! (^_^) I've not blogged for a while because [1] I've been lazy like usual and [2] I've been really busy working on a few projects. (-_-) One of the projects I've been working on is the "Taste of Happiness" project to help teach youths age (18-25) the history, traditions and how to cook traditional Chinese dishes. In case your wondering, I'm not the chef of course because I'm over qualified. ( ゚ヮ゚) Just kidding of course, I'm still a beginner cook and have not practiced making a proper dish in ages! (-_-) Well actually, I at least had an attempt at making dumplings yesterday at the cooking workshop, to celebrate Chinese New Year. (^_^)

That's all from me, I probably blog again when I'm feeling bored so until then, check out the Taste of Happiness blog. (^_^)

[Blog link] ========>Taste of Happiness <========