Saturday, 27 February 2010

Luck Ends In Embarassment

It's a Tuesday night. The rain is pouring, like pebbles banging on a drum. The wind whistles violently and all I can think is, I'm so glad that I'm relaxing at home and not working (^_^) I eat my dinner and I receive a phone call from an unknown number. I pick up the phone and speak to a man from Orange RockCorps. [] He tells me that the original winners selected for tickets to a concert at KOKO could not make it so the tickets were offered to me. The fallback about taking these tickets is the concert would start in 3 hours, it's raining heavily and it was to see a band (Los Campesinos) that I have never heard of in my life. (?_?) Well, I couldn't really refuse the tickets because it's not often that I win something. (^_^) Luckily, my friend lives near me so we were able to make it on time to the concert.

There were two other bands performing too and the drummers played great. I've always been interested in playing the drum kit so watching the bands perform made me want to play the drums. (^_^) The experience of listening to live music is always great because I find that I can appreciate the music more. After the concert had finish a reporter asks me if I could give them a few quotes about what I thought about the concert. I thought it was only a few quotes so I said it was OK before realising that I actually get video recorded. These were the questions she asks me:

Q 1] Introduce yourself
A] Hi, my name is Tony and I'm from London

Q 2] Who did you go and see?
A] I went to go and see.............. [CUT! I had to start again because I completely forgot who I saw]

Q 3] What did you think of their performance?
To be honest I didn't really like the main band but it would be rude of me to say I didn't like them, so I had to do a lot of trash talking and said that they were good. (-_-)

Q 4] What was your favourite song?
I was thinking oh my God! I don't even remember what the band was called and your asking me my favourite song? To save myself from humiliation I had to continue trash talking and told them that I like so many of their songs that it's really hard to choose from. (-_-)

Finally, the interviewed finished and man was that embarrassing. I've never done so much trash talking in my life which was good humour for my friend because he didn't get interviewed.  Like I've said in the past, I'm lucky but not lucky enough. (-_-)