Monday, 23 November 2009

Sad Times

Tell a dog to sit, and he might sit
Give a dog a bone, and he might chew
Throw a dog a ball, and he might fetch 
Teach a dog some tricks, and he might learn
Tell a dog not to kill, and he might listen
But this dog didn't, he killed my friend

R.I.P Sushi

Monday, 16 November 2009

I'm A Wrapper

It's been a long time since I last wrapped a gift for someone. If you're one of my handful of fans, then you'll remember when I last posted about wrapping a gift for my friends on White Day. (^_^) On 13/10/09, I posted a photo of a gift on my blog to surprise my friend, but completely failed because she checked my blog before I even gave it to her. (-_-) If your guessing what the gift was? (´-`).。oO( ???) Then you're right if you guessed gold and diamonds. (´▽`) Ha-ha, just kidding! The gift is actually a book that my friend really wanted. (^_^)

Anyway, after wrapping this gift I think I can officially retire as a wrapper. ( ゚ ヮ゚) I know Christmas is coming round the corner, but I think it's time for me to close the curtains. This Christmas I've decided that I'll buy lottery tickets as gifts, as it will save me a lot of time so thank you to my friend for giving me the idea 2 years ago. (^_^) The good and bad thing about receiving a lottery ticket is that if you win, it could be the greatest gift you've ever had. ( ゚ ヮ゚) However, if you lose then it's not much of a great gift. (-_-) So the best thing to do is frame it on your wall, or add it to your collection of unwanted gifts, like the knitted Christmas jumpers that your grandma knits for you. (‐^▽^‐)

Anyway, if your expecting a gift from me and your reading this post then.....YES! Expect to receive a lottery ticket! ヽ(´▽`)/

Friday, 6 November 2009

Don't Hurt Me!

Last Tuesday, I went to the theater to watch a Korean show called Jump, which combines martial arts, jaw-dropping acrobats, and a story-line which is pure comedy. (´ヮ`) It's actually the second time I've watch it, and I would watch it again if they were to come back to the UK again next year. (^_^)

During the interval, I asked one of my friends if she enjoyed the show and she started an argument by saying "Why don't they talk much in the show? Why can't Asians (Orientals) be known for acting, and not just for martial arts and kung-fu?" (._.) She is right in one sense because that's what Asian (Orientals) seem to only be famous for in the Western film industry. (-_-) Look at Rain (Korean actor/singer) for example, in his first US movie, he plays a ninja in a martial arts movie (Ninja Assassins). Come on! Rain don't do martial arts films in Korea, he probably never kicked as high as a can of Coke before making this movie. ( ´_ゝ`)The same goes for Lee Byeong-heon (Korean actor), he is a talented actor but guess what? In his first US movie (G.I Joe) he is also a NINJA! ( ´Д`)

I guess that's the way life is and it works both ways because there's never been a westerner who's made a break in the Chinese movie industry, so my friend agreed and the argument ended. ( ゚ ヮ゚) Anyway, if you've not seen Jump, then I highly recommend you watch it, if they plan to tour in your country. (´ー`)