Monday, 28 December 2009
Monday, 23 November 2009
Sad Times
Posted by Let's Drink Tea at 21:48 2 comments
Monday, 16 November 2009
I'm A Wrapper
Posted by Let's Drink Tea at 22:53 0 comments
Friday, 6 November 2009
Don't Hurt Me!
Last Tuesday, I went to the theater to watch a Korean show called Jump, which combines martial arts, jaw-dropping acrobats, and a story-line which is pure comedy. (´ヮ`) It's actually the second time I've watch it, and I would watch it again if they were to come back to the UK again next year. (^_^)
During the interval, I asked one of my friends if she enjoyed the show and she started an argument by saying "Why don't they talk much in the show? Why can't Asians (Orientals) be known for acting, and not just for martial arts and kung-fu?" (._.) She is right in one sense because that's what Asian (Orientals) seem to only be famous for in the Western film industry. (-_-) Look at Rain (Korean actor/singer) for example, in his first US movie, he plays a ninja in a martial arts movie (Ninja Assassins). Come on! Rain don't do martial arts films in Korea, he probably never kicked as high as a can of Coke before making this movie. ( ´_ゝ`)The same goes for Lee Byeong-heon (Korean actor), he is a talented actor but guess what? In his first US movie (G.I Joe) he is also a NINJA! ( ´Д`)
Posted by Let's Drink Tea at 23:00 2 comments
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
The Sinking Phone
Finally I can throw this phone into the ocean and watch it sink in the blink of an eye. ヽ(´ー`)ノ Please don't let this photo hypnotise you into buying this phone. ( ´_ゝ`)This phone has brought me nothing but problems which words can't describe. ( ´Д`) Getting rid of this phone is like a breath of fresh air. (^_^) I upgraded my contract this week so now I can officially start using my new phone. ヽ(´▽`)/
Posted by Let's Drink Tea at 19:10 0 comments
Thursday, 22 October 2009
No Food Posioning
...especially if I'm the one who's cooking. (^_^) For the past 5 weeks I've been taking cooking lessons. Monday was my last lesson which was sad because I felt like I only just begun cooking. ( ´,_ゝ`) On my last lesson I learned to cook Vegetable Stroganoff and made fresh tagliatelle. I don't think I'll make fresh pasta again because buying it from the supermarket will save a lot of time. (^_^) The dish tasted OK but was missing one major ingredient and that is MEAT. ヽ(`Д´)ノ Sorry to all the vegetarians out there but I struggle to eat a main meal without meat. I know it's bad but the feeling is like eating an ice-cream cone without ice-cream. (-_-) Maybe one day I'll find the light and become a vegetarian but until that day comes I'll continue to eat what my body craves for. ( ゚ ヮ゚)。oO( ...MEAT )
Posted by Let's Drink Tea at 19:23 0 comments
Saturday, 10 October 2009
Long Time No Post
I haven't posted for a long time because I've been really busy. My teaching career in S. Korea has been postponed to February 2010. I'll start posting again from next week. (^_^)
Posted by Let's Drink Tea at 11:35 0 comments
Sunday, 19 July 2009
What's Cooking?
It's been a long time since I last post so I decided to finally post today just in case anyone thought I was dead. (X_X) I've been busy working and doing a lot of random things lately. Last week I went to a free Japanese lesson with a few of my friends last week. One of friends is an intermediate level in speaking Japanese and to see her speak so fluently to the teacher really inspired me to study harder at Korean. (^_^)
A couple of days ago I went for a cooking lesson because food is my passion and I've wanted to learn how to cook for a long time. Before I went for the lesson, I and my friend were given the choice to a selection of dishes from a set menu. The dishes we chose were 'Malaysian Chicken and Sweetcorn Soup', 'Green Thai Curry' and 'Thai Pineapple Fried Rice.'I thought the soup tasted OK but it could have been better if the texture was more thick.
The taste of fresh curry is a lot better than the curry paste you can buy from supermarkets. What surprised me was it doesn't actually take a long time to make which means one day eating out might be history for me. ( ゚Д゚)
Fried rice is a really versatile dish so you can add different meats and vegetables to the dish. I always thought that fried rice required a lot of oil to make so I assumed it was an unhealthy dish. After making the dish myself I realised it can be a healthy dish if used with the right ingredients. (^_^)
Attending the cooking lesson has really inspired me to cook more. If a teaching position is not available for me in Seoul within the next 2 months then I'll plan to go to cooking school in September. (^_^)
Posted by Let's Drink Tea at 22:18 0 comments
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
Soju Virgin No More
Last week Monday, I went to see Lime and Rosalie for a farewell meal. We went to a Korean restaurant for dinner and chose to order a soju set menu. It was the first time I had drunk soju because it's not common in England. For me soju tasted very similar to vodka so if you're not a big fan of vodka then you probably won't like soju. I remember learning about the etiquette's for drinking but for some stupid reason I kept forgetting to put what I learnt into practice. ┐('~`;)┌ To avoid looking rude like I did, you should remember these simple rules:
- A glass should only be refilled when it's empty
- When pouring a drink, hold the bottle in the right hand and with the left hand either touching the elbow or forearm
- When someone pours a drink for you, you hold the glass with your right arm and rest the glass on your left hand
- You should never pour a drink for yourself, only for other people
Finally, just in case you've spent hours trying to figure out what the above photo is, I thought I'll explain before I end this post. The photo is of mine and Lime's shadow with a peace sign gesture. (^_^)
Posted by Let's Drink Tea at 13:47 0 comments
Monday, 27 April 2009
Is Age Just a Number?
Just over a couple of weeks ago, it was my birthday. I've hit an age where I no longer want to get anymore older. (ಥ_ಥ) It's scary how quickly time moves but what’s even scarier is that in Korea my age will increase by two. (ó.ò) The Korean age system works out differently from the Western way because they believe the first year is at birth and the second year on New Year's Day.This is a photo of my little cousin 'Philip' from my birthday. This photo always brings a smile on my face so I had to post it on my blog. (^_^) If only I could be young like my cousin again. Wouldn't that be great?
Posted by Let's Drink Tea at 15:52 4 comments
Monday, 30 March 2009
Would You Like a Cuppa Tea?
Last week Lime gave me a couple of Korean corn teas to taste so if you’re reading this Lime, 감사합니다 (thank you). (^_^) When I was young I always wanted to be a food critic because of my love for food. (^_^) For this reason I have decided to write a review in this post.The first corn tea I tasted was made by ‘Dong Suh Minsok Tea.’
Taste: I was expecting the tea to taste sweet because I imagined it would taste like sweet corn. The strength of the corn tasted perfect because it’s neither too strong nor mild.
Smell: I can only breathe through one nostril therefore I could only sense a light corn smell. In reality the smell may differ for someone who can breathe through two nostrils, so feel free to mistrust my sense of smell. (^_^')
Appearance: The colour of the tea is a pale yellow colour. I was suppose to take a photo of the tea when it brewed but I completely forgot as I was busy watching ‘The Office’ whilst waiting for the tea to cool down. (^_^')The second tea I tasted is made by ‘???’ (?_?) I have no idea how to read Korean therefore I do not have the ability to translate. (^_^')
Taste: The taste is slightly similar to the first corn tea except that it tasted more bland.
Smell: As you can already guess, judging the smell for me was difficult therefore I found that the smell was very similar to the first corn tea.
Appearance: No need to guess the colour of the tea as it's also a pale yellow colour. (^_^)
Overall, I prefer the first corn tea because the taste was much better so go ahead and order a years supply worth. \(^o^)/
Posted by Let's Drink Tea at 19:39 1 comments
Sunday, 15 March 2009
White Day
Yesterday was ‘White Day’ in South Korea; a day where males present gifts to females as a social obligation or expression of love. I have two Korean friends living in London so as a token of friendship I brought them both a box of white chocolates. (>^^)> <(^^<) To express my creativity, I thought of an idea for the packaging. On Friday, I went to buy the chocolates and after browsing around a few shops, a dilemma occurred because I had the option of purchasing gift wrapped chocolates. (?_?) After debating with myself for 30 seconds, I decided to buy unwrapped chocolates, which I regret because it took a shocking 2 hours to package. (O_O) In the future I think I’ll save myself the trouble by paying my sister to wrap gifts for me. (^_^)
I met up with Rose yesterday and gave her the gift but she was jokingly not happy with the packaging, as she much preferred the packaging of Lime's gift. (._.) If you look carefully at the photo, the top of Rose’s gift is wrapped very unprofessionally. (-_-¤) To be honest, I actually notice this when I finished wrapping her gift, but I was too tired to start again and hoped she wouldn’t notice. (-_-)zzZ I guess only the chocolates might save my reputation as a bad wrapper. (^_^)
Posted by Let's Drink Tea at 15:54 2 comments
Monday, 9 March 2009
Not Under Construction
I left this blog under construction for over a month so today I've finally decided to hit the switch and write my first post. \(^o^)/ Back in January, I got an ESL (English Second Language) teaching job in South Korea. In order to get the job I needed to have a university degree and do these following:
- send a curriculum vital with a photo
- pass the phone interview
- pass the English test by writing an essay from a selection of 5 questions

Once I got the job, I had to choose a city to work in and my choice was either Seoul or Busan. A few weeks ago, I received an e-mail from the head of recruitment, informing me that the positions in Seoul and Busan are full. This means that I have to either wait or choose an alternative city. I decided to wait because of these following reasons:
- I’m too lazy to research on an alternative city
- I really want to work in Seoul, which is my first choice (^_^)
- I barely speak any Korean so my Korean friend is teaching me, but my brain is always switched off whenever I meet her (-_-;)
Posted by Let's Drink Tea at 13:11 0 comments