What's Cooking?
It's been a long time since I last post so I decided to finally post today just in case anyone thought I was dead. (X_X) I've been busy working and doing a lot of random things lately. Last week I went to a free Japanese lesson with a few of my friends last week. One of friends is an intermediate level in speaking Japanese and to see her speak so fluently to the teacher really inspired me to study harder at Korean. (^_^)
A couple of days ago I went for a cooking lesson because food is my passion and I've wanted to learn how to cook for a long time. Before I went for the lesson, I and my friend were given the choice to a selection of dishes from a set menu. The dishes we chose were 'Malaysian Chicken and Sweetcorn Soup', 'Green Thai Curry' and 'Thai Pineapple Fried Rice.'I thought the soup tasted OK but it could have been better if the texture was more thick.
The taste of fresh curry is a lot better than the curry paste you can buy from supermarkets. What surprised me was it doesn't actually take a long time to make which means one day eating out might be history for me. ( ゚Д゚)
Fried rice is a really versatile dish so you can add different meats and vegetables to the dish. I always thought that fried rice required a lot of oil to make so I assumed it was an unhealthy dish. After making the dish myself I realised it can be a healthy dish if used with the right ingredients. (^_^)
Attending the cooking lesson has really inspired me to cook more. If a teaching position is not available for me in Seoul within the next 2 months then I'll plan to go to cooking school in September. (^_^)